El Dorado Park Men's Golf Club

Most Improved Golfers


Most Improved - 2024 (Jan-Dec)
1 Scott Chamberlain 23.8 => 16.4 26.1%
2 Mel Collins 2.8 => +0.2 25.4%
3 Lat Syprasert 9.9 => 5.5 25.1%
4 Steve Clark 10.1 => 6.7 18.2%
5 Trey Cox 8.5 => 5.4 17.8%
6 Steven Cook 22.8 => 17.9 16.4%
7 Brian Redican 9.4 => 6.4 16.3%
8 Tom Hardesty 17.2 => 13.4 15.0%
9 Mark Ziegenhagen 9.1 => 6.4 14.7%
10 Kyle Sharp 14.9 => 11.5 14.5%
Most Improved - 1Q 2024 (Jan-Mar)
1 Kyle Sharp 14.9 => 12.2 11.2%
2 Andrew Pulido 6.6 => 4.9 10.1%
3 Jake Amado 6.5 => 4.9 9.5%
4 John Yeakel 17.1 => 14.9 8.2%
5 John Kilgore 27.2 => 24.4 7.7%
Most Improved - 2Q 2024 (Apr-Jun)
1 Brent Huntington 9.9 => 6.9 15.9%
2 Gerry Wachovsky 9.5 => 6.6 15.6%
3 Ryder Epson +1.2 => +2.6 14.9%
4 Steve Brand 15.1 => 11.7 14.3%
5 Trevine Felsinger 15.8 => 12.7 12.5%
Most Improved - 3Q 2024 (Jul-Sep)
1 Tim Heffern 4.0 => 0.9 24.0%
2 Mel Collins 2.9 => 0.1 23.1%
3 Vern Followell 4.4 => 1.4 22.4%
4 Bill Heffern 2.9 => 0.4 20.2%
5 Brian Gonzales +1.4 => +3.0 17.8%
Most Improved - 4Q 2024 (Oct-Dec)
1 Lat Syprasert 8.4 => 5.5 16.6%
2 Rich Gentile 22.0 => 17.8 14.1%
3 Jeff Tanner 20.0 => 16.3 13.1%
4 Terry Cormack 18.7 => 15.8 10.4%
5 Omar Diaz 2.8 => 1.5 9.6%


Most Improved - 2023 (Jan-Dec)
1 Brent Huntington 12.6 => 8.3 21.2%
2 Tyler Marmion 6.6 => 3.9 17.0%
3 Tim Heffern 3.2 => 1.0 16.9%
4 Bret Skinner 8.3 => 5.6 15.3%
5 Trevine Felsinger 16.8 => 13.1 14.7%
6 Arthur Zamarripa 8.0 => 5.5 14.3%
7 Roger Marmion 12.1 => 9.2 13.7%
8 Daniel Kletke 3.9 => 2.0 13.6%
9 Robert Anderson 3.1 => 1.5 11.9%
10 Drew Kroner 14.7 => 11.9 11.7%
Most Improved - 1Q 2023 (Jan-Mar)
1 Trevine Felsinger 16.8 => 14.6 8.3%
2 John Yeakel 16.5 => 15.1 5.2%
3 Jerry Gibbs 13.8 => 12.7 4.4%
4 Tony Castaneda 2.7 => 2.1 4.3%
5 Michael Dugan 12.5 => 11.6 3.8%
Most Improved - 2Q 2023 (Apr-Jun)
1 Mel Collins 3.1 => 0.1 24.8%
2 Daniel Kletke 4.3 => 2.2 14.8%
3 Lat Syprasert 10.4 => 7.6 14.3%
4 David Spencer 8.8 => 6.2 14.3%
5 Garrett Marks 23.6 => 19.4 13.4%
Most Improved - 3Q 2023 (Jul-Sep)
1 Patrick Tom 2.8 => +1.0 34.5%
2 Jim Fuchs 5.6 => 2.3 23.1%
3 Walter Gordon 7.4 => 4.3 19.0%
4 Grady Zieglowsky 3.9 => 1.4 18.7%
5 Alex Gonzales 1.2 => +0.8 17.9%
Most Improved - 4Q 2023 (Oct-Dec)
1 Michael Dugan 14.0 => 10.7 14.5%
2 Thomas Nasuti 14.7 => 11.9 11.7%
3 Robert Anderson 3.0 => 1.5 11.1%
4 Andrew Noss 4.8 => 3.3 9.8%
5 Reed Wilson 13.8 => 11.8 8.4%


Most Improved - 2022 (Jan-Dec)
1 Sasha Bozic 1.9 => +1.3 29.9%
2 Darrin Jusi 3.2 => 0.4 22.6%
3 Dan Cormack 14.8 => 10.0 21.8%
4 John Rogers 20.9 => 15.1 21.4%
5 Bryan McMahon 17.2 => 12.2 20.7%
6 Edward Taguchi 14.0 => 9.6 20.4%
7 Greg Andersen 6.0 => 3.4 16.9%
8 Jack DeAngelis 6.0 => 3.5 16.1%
9 Alex Resurreccion +2.5 => +3.8 15.9%
10 Geno DeAngelis 12.5 => 9.3 15.0%
Most Improved - 1Q 2022 (Jan-Mar)
1 Edward Taguchi 14.0 => 8.3 28.1%
2 Paul Standish 24.0 => 19.7 13.6%
3 Dean Ritter 10.6 => 8.2 11.9%
4 Nick Mardesich 3.7 => 2.1 11.3%
5 Walter Gordon 7.8 => 5.8 11.2%
Most Improved - 2Q 2022 (Apr-Jun)
1 Stephen Friend 5.8 => 3.3 16.3%
2 Greg Andersen 6.6 => 4.0 16.3%
3 Neal Janssen 9.7 => 6.7 16.0%
4 Brian Gonzales +0.7 => +2.2 15.3%
5 Sasha Bozic 2.4 => 0.6 14.3%
Most Improved - 3Q 2022 (Jul-Sep)
1 Jeff Thomas 0.8 => +1.7 24.3%
2 Jim Fuchs 5.9 => 2.9 20.1%
3 Brian Gonzales +2.2 => +3.7 18.1%
4 William Breytspraak 30.0 => 23.7 17.7%
5 Greg Ramsey 17.9 => 14.0 15.0%
Most Improved - 4Q 2022 (Oct-Dec)
1 Jim Jamison 3.9 => 2.3 11.2%
2 Bryan McMahon 14.6 => 12.2 9.9%
3 David DePina 12.5 => 10.4 9.4%
4 Ron Searcy 19.6 => 17.3 7.9%
5 Greg Andersen 4.6 => 3.4 7.8%


Most Improved - 2021 (Jan-Dec)
1 Mel Collins 3.8 => +0.5 37.4%
2 Robert Jojola 24.5 => 14.8 36.2%
3 Jeff Thomas 0.2 => +2.1 23.2%
4 Tyler Marmion 8.0 => 4.9 18.3%
5 Scott Dietschak 8.6 => 5.7 16.4%
6 Marc Lilleberg 5.8 => 3.4 15.6%
7 Ron Searcy 23.4 => 19.1 13.8%
8 Andrew Cochrane 3.1 => 1.3 13.5%
9 Henry DeGraaff 28.2 => 23.5 13.2%
10 Bill Henigsman 12.4 => 9.6 13.0%
Most Improved - 2Q 2021 (Apr-Jun)
1 Mel Collins 3.4 => +0.6 35.1%
2 Dale Green 11.1 => 8.4 13.2%
3 Colin Boylan 8.8 => 6.6 11.8%
4 Matt Lesenyie 20.2 => 16.8 11.8%
5 Marc Lilleberg 5.8 => 4.0 11.3%
Most Improved - 3Q 2021 (Jul-Sep)
1 Trey Cox 18.9 => 13.0 23.6%
2 Brian Redican 11.8 => 8.1 18.4%
3 Don Marmion 17.5 => 13.1 17.5%
4 Brian Gonzales +1.7 => +3.1 15.7%
5 Miguel Espinoza 15.7 => 12.0 15.4%
Most Improved - 4Q 2021 (Oct-Dec)
1 David Collicutt 12.1 => 8.5 17.6%
2 Rodney Dickerson 17.3 => 13.7 14.0%
3 Tyler Marmion 6.6 => 4.9 10.1%
4 Richard Koskela 22.3 => 19.5 8.9%
5 Jeff Thomas +1.3 => +2.1 8.1%


Due to the Pandemic, there are no Awards for 2Q, 3Q, 4Q and 2020
Most Improved - 1Q 2020 (Jan-Mar)
1 Daniel Kletke 3.3 => 1.5 13.3%
2 Jeff Thomas 0.4 => +1.0 12.7%
3 Brad Wilcox 7.7 => 5.5 12.6%
4 Robert Lopez +2.4 => +3.4 11.6%
5 Dennis Tramer 25.0 => 22.1 8.5%


Most Improved - 2019 (Jan-Dec)
1 Nick De Lia 5.7 => 2.0 26.4%
2 Scott Davis 5.1 => 2.2 20.4%
3 Rafael Holcombe 10.9 => 7.1 19.9%
4 Dave Hasselman 14.4 => 10.2 18.9%
5 Mickey Miller 3.1 => 0.8 18.0%
6 Omar Diaz 2.9 => 0.9 15.5%
7 Scott Dietschak 8.2 => 5.5 15.4%
8 Nick Mardesich 2.3 => NH 14.4%
9 Steven Sterry 4.0 => 2.1 13.5%
10 D.J. Dortch 1.8 => 0.2 13.1%
Most Improved - 1Q 2019 (Jan-Mar)
1 Mike Montgomery 20.3 => 16.2 14.5%
2 Ketan Dhawan 11.3 => 9.3 9.4%
3 Ryder Epson +1.0 => NH 8.9%
4 Mickey Miller 3.1 => 1.9 8.6%
5 Scott Dietschak 8.2 => 6.9 6.9%
Most Improved - 2Q 2019 (Apr-Jun)
1 Sonny Nimkhum 1.4 => +0.8 19.6%
2 Lawrence Lipman 15.0 => 11.0 17.4%
3 Samuel Krishna 9.2 => 6.1 17.1%
4 Robert Creighton 11.6 => 8.7 14.0%
5 Nick Mardesich 3.3 => 1.5 13.3%
Most Improved - 3Q 2019 (Jul-Sep)
1 Frederick Woolfork 8.6 => 4.8 22.6%
2 Greg Andersen 6.1 => 3.2 19.1%
3 Cliff Aichele 9.7 => 6.3 18.6%
4 Steven Sterry 3.1 => 0.8 18.0%
5 Charles Kerr 19.5 => 15.4 15.0%
Most Improved - 4Q 2019 (Oct-Dec)
1 Scott Dietschak 7.6 => 5.5 12.0%
2 Samuel Krishna 9.8 => 7.9 9.5%
3 D.J. Dortch 1.2 => 0.2 8.2%
4 Danny Martín 20.5 => 18.1 8.0%
5 Kenneth Cheong 10.5 => 9.1 6.6%


Most Improved - 2018 (Jan-Dec)
1 Bret Holloway 5.2 => 3.0 14.7%
2 Greg Andersen 6.0 => 3.7 14.6%
3 David Green 18.0 => 14.5 13.2%
4 Tom Montgomery 17.7 => 14.3 12.9%
5 David Lee 15.6 => 12.5 12.7%
6 Noah Busch 2.9 => 1.3 12.0%
7 Joe Lederer 3.4 => 1.8 11.6%
8 Bob Livingstone 7.4 => 5.4 11.5%
9 George Lanese 13.7 => 11.3 10.3%
10 Stanton Faris 14.1 => NH 10.1%
Most Improved - 1Q 2018 (Jan-Mar)
1 Mark Ziegenhagen 8.2 => 5.9 12.8%
2 George Lanese 13.7 => 11.2 10.8%
3 Steven Cook 11.4 => 9.9 6.8%
4 George DeVries 17.6 => 15.8 6.5%
5 Cliff Aichele 8.1 => 7.0 5.8%
Most Improved - 2Q 2018 (Apr-Jun)
1 Greg Colazas 10.2 => 7.4 14.4%
2 Matt Mcgwire 4.0 => 2.0 14.3%
3 Scott Davis 7.0 => 4.7 13.8%
4 John Jameson 11.2 => 8.6 12.6%
5 Bret Holloway 5.4 => 3.6 11.5%
Most Improved - 3Q 2018 (Jul-Sep)
1 David Lee 16.8 => 11.8 21.0%
2 Greg Andersen 6.7 => 3.7 19.1%
3 Dean Ritter 15.2 => 11.6 15.3%
4 Michael Drew 6.0 => 3.8 13.9%
5 Stephen Friend 3.6 => 1.9 12.2%
Most Improved - 4Q 2018 (Oct-Dec)
1 Samuel Krishna 8.6 => 6.3 12.6%
2 Michael Miller 22.4 => 18.8 11.7%
3 Cj Triola 5.7 => 4.3 8.6%
4 Michael Wilson 12.8 => 11.0 7.8%
5 Tyler Marmion 8.6 => 7.2 7.3%


Most Improved - 2017 (Jan-Dec)
1 Matt Williams 11.6 => 5.3 36.4%
2 Bill Walton 12.4 => 7.6 24.5%
3 Don Didier 12.0 => 7.6 22.4%
4 Daniel Kletke 5.3 => 2.7 17.7%
5 Michael Belcher 12.1 => 8.6 17.0%
6 Dave Chamberlain 15.0 => 11.1 16.9%
7 Richard Lizardi 14.8 => 11.0 16.5%
8 Rich Boyker 6.3 => 3.9 15.1%
9 Scott Lindman 8.9 => 6.2 14.8%
10 Nick De Lia 6.8 => 4.6 13.3%
Most Improved - 1Q 2017 (Jan-Mar)
1 Matt Williams 11.6 => 7.6 20.4%
2 Matthew Mendenhall 6.4 => 4.4 12.2%
3 Rich Boyker 6.3 => 4.7 9.6%
4 Justin Vanderbroek 7.0 => 5.4 9.2%
5 Kevin Mehlbrech 9.2 => 7.5 8.7%
Most Improved - 2Q 2017 (Apr-Jun)
1 Scott Lindman 9.2 => 5.8 19.1%
2 Daniel Kletke 6.0 => 3.6 15.4%
3 Greg Andersen 4.3 => 2.5 12.4%
4 Nick De Lia 6.4 => 4.4 12.2%
5 Mark Schmillen 15.1 => 12.3 11.5%
Most Improved - 3Q 2017 (Jul-Sep)
1 Charles Kerr 19.2 => 15.7 12.6%
2 Corey Henn 9.5 => 7.1 12.6%
3 John Yeakel 14.2 => 12.0 9.2%
4 Greg O'Brien 14.0 => 12.0 8.3%
5 Timothy Hodge 13.4 => 11.5 8.1%
Most Improved - 4Q 2017 (Oct-Dec)
1 James Ridenour 22.6 => 18.9 12.0%
2 Don Didier 9.4 => 7.6 9.2%
3 Bill Walton 9.2 => 7.6 8.2%
4 D.J. Dortch 0.3 => +0.5 7.0%
5 Randall Kervin 11.2 => 9.9 5.9%


Most Improved - 2016 (Jan-Dec)
1 Scott Lindman 13.7 => 8.9 23.0%
2 Marc Lilleberg 5.4 => 2.6 19.2%
3 Ed Fernandes 6.0 => 3.3 17.6%
4 Bryan Knigge 6.8 => 4.0 17.5%
5 Cary Thomason 15.3 => 11.7 15.2%
6 Rich Dennison 14.6 => 11.1 15.2%
7 Sebastian Sturdevant 11.9 => 9.1 13.3%
8 Terry Fulford 23.3 => 19.2 13.1%
9 D.J. Dortch 0.9 => +0.2 9.3%
10 Matt Huntington 8.0 => 6.3 9.3%
Most Improved - 1Q 2016 (Jan-Mar)
1 Dewayne Kirksey 7.3 => 4.1 19.9%
2 Vern Followell 4.9 => 2.3 18.2%
3 Bryan Dailey 11.9 => 9.4 11.7%
4 Bryan Knigge 6.8 => 4.9 11.2%
5 Kirk Singer 5.2 => 3.5 11.0%
Most Improved - 2Q 2016 (Apr-Jun)
1 Michael Drew 5.6 => 2.8 18.9%
2 Mark Perry 5.1 => 2.5 17.9%
3 Dennis Tramer 19.6 => 15.4 15.3%
4 Bob Livingstone 6.9 => 4.5 14.5%
5 Terry Cormack 10.6 => 8.1 12.4%
Most Improved - 3Q 2016 (Jul-Sep)
1 Vern Followell 4.9 => 2.3 18.2%
2 Bill Copeland 14.8 => 10.9 17.0%
3 Mark Baldwin 3.4 => 1.2 16.7%
4 Jeffrey Benedetti 12.9 => 9.4 16.4%
5 Johnny Jimenez 13.5 => 10.1 15.4%
Most Improved - 4Q 2016 (Oct-Dec)
1 Matthew Mendenhall 10.4 => 6.4 21.7%
2 Bob Livingstone 5.5 => 4.0 9.4%
3 Harold Kline 13.2 => 11.1 9.1%
4 Rich Dennison 12.8 => 11.1 7.4%
5 Bryan Dailey 9.4 => 8.1 6.5%